Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The not so silent week....

Its a little bit embarrassing that it has been such a silent week for the blog, sure hasnt been that way for my heart...

I have been moving my home around and my car broke. Ive been stressed and the worst part, I'M ON MY PERIOD. So, on top of all that "life" business, NO YOGA.
I realized it has become kind of coping mechanism. My practice is my safe harbor. My Body has REALLY become that temple. Its where i turn for the answers. My DNA, my cells, my organs, they all carry that vital wisdom that was passed down to me from the women (and men) who came before me and yoga is a way I can go back to that place. When I am knee deep in my practice, i am fully aware of my body as this temple and suddenly every action I take is an act of worship. Not to the outside vanities (although watching my arms change is FUN), but to the inner working and tick tockings of my bodies ancient rhythms. I want to feed it the best things, move it in the best ways and sing it the sweetest songs.
Yoga is kind of like this jungle path that leads me to the hidden temple. I'm sure there are other paths, but this one has been faithful so far.

As I sat in my new (literal) Jungle Hut, I was contemplating my hectic heart. I was singing songs trying to sooth myself with the words of the melodies. Then i just stopped. The songs hadn't been working. I was just singing to no one. I thought, maybe its not MORE WORDS my heart needs. Maybe the place that my heart will find rest is the place with NO WORDS. Without words, I can go back to that ancient place of wisdom Ive been searching for, that place i cant explain. When I do Yoga, there is no music and by the end, if its been a focused practice, there are no more words either. Just me and my cells and the breath that fills them.

Now I have to go to my yoga class.... FINALLY! ;)
some peace and quiet....

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